Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thank You From the Bottom of My Heart!!!

This past weekend, I read a book (actually re-read. I read it once before and for some reason it had little affect on me then and a major affect on me know...but I'll explore that in a later post) this past weekend and one of the many things it reminded me of was how incredibly important it is to give thanks for what we have.

Sometimes, blogging can feel very much like a black hole. It feels like you're talking to yourself and no matter how good or bad the advice, nobody except you is hearing it.

What I forgot was to be grateful for what I have and what I have are some amazingly loyal followers who may not always comment but do always read.

So...I decided to do a little research. What I found astonished me!! I don't just have followers who comment, I have followers all over the world.

Men and matter where they live, what color their skin is, what their culture dictates...all need someone to understand them. The internet has put that need within reach.

In the last 30 days alone:

67% of my readers found me from an interne search.

32% are here because they bookmarked my page or they type in the address.

The remaining are referred here from other sites or blogger, etc.

I'm so incredibly happy and grateful for each and every one of you.

Many I know, many I don't. I would love to know each and every one of you but for those who prefer to remain silent and read without commenting, I want you to know, I appreciate you just as much as I appreciate those who have reached out to me personally.

I no longer feel I am posting to myself.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone from each of the following countries who stopped by for a visit. Whether you read the entire blog and spent hours here or whether you stopped by for a quick glance and moved on, I am grateful for the visit.

A very much deserved thank you to each and every person from the following countries:

United States
United Kingdom
(several visits from a country not specified)
Dominican Republic
Saint Kitts and Nevis
New Zealand
South Africa
Saudi Arabia

No matter what language you matter how easy or difficult the material was to matter what you thought of anything I said...I appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to visit, to read, to just be you and just be here.

And I hope everyone received something...some tidbit of wisdom...that will help guide you through life, love, romance or more.

As many of you are aware, I am on a new personal journey of self discovery and I will do whatever I can to make the most of this blog and to update you on my progress, my setbacks, my pitfalls and my successes.

Please stick around and keep reading.

Thank you!!
Much Love,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


How can it be so good and so bad all at the same time?

Over the last couple of weeks, J and I have been to many concerts, nice dinners, dancing and enjoying the company of family and friends. So Good!

In the meantime, a million (give or take several hundred thousand) miles away, a very special little girl in my life had open heart surgery, lung surgery and is currently in Children's Hospital awaiting more...and there's nothing I can do and it is not possible for me to be there.

And work is crazy busy with no time to think during the day...

And although I don't know anyone personally who has friends or family in Japan, my heart goes out to everyone....

So bad...

Life is strange.

When different emotions makes me feel a bit off.

I hope each and every one of you is much, much more balanced in your life than I am right now.

Much Love,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rodeo and Concert

Had a great time last night! Much needed break from work so I took off a little early and went to the Houston Rodeo and a Martina McBride concert with J.

I've been to a lot of rodeos and this is my third time seeing Martina and I'm not sure I ever needed to do either of those things again but...had a great time anyway!!

Oh...and he bought me a cowboy hat on the way out.

According to the sales guy and J, I look beautiful in it! :-)

Hope everyone is having a great week so far and I sincerely hope you all enjoy the weekend (I'll be back at the my new

Much Love,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

An expert from The 100/0 Principle by Al Ritter

I LOVE this and thought I would put it here. If nothing else, so I can come back and read it.

What is the most effective way to create and sustain great relationships with others? It’s The 100/0 Principle: You take full responsibility (the 100) for the relationship, expecting nothing (the 0) in return.

Implementing The 100/0 Principle is not natural for most of us. It takes real commitment to the relationship and a good dose of self-discipline to think, act and give 100 percent.

The 100/0 Principle applies to those people in your life where the relationships are too important to react automatically or judgmentally. Each of us must determine the relationships to which this principle should apply. For most of us, it applies to work associates, customers, suppliers, family and friends.

Step 1 – Determine what you can do to make the relationship work…then do it. Demonstrate respect and kindness to the other person, whether he/she deserves it or not.

Step 2 – Do not expect anything in return. Zero, zip, nada.

Step 3 – Do not allow anything the other person says or does (no matter how annoying!) to affect you. In other words, don’t take the bait.

Step 4 – Be persistent with your graciousness and kindness. Often we give up too soon, especially when others don’t respond in kind. Remember to expect nothing in return.

At times (usually few), the relationship can remain challenging, even toxic, despite your 100 percent I and self-discipline. When this occurs, you need to avoid being the “Knower” and shift to being the “Learner”. Avoid Knower statements/thoughts like “that won’t work”, “I’m right, you are wrong”, “I know it and you don’t”, “I’ll teach you”, “that’s just the way it is”, “I need to tell you what I know”, etc.
Instead use Learner statements/thoughts like “Let me find out what is going on and try to understand the situation”, “I could be wrong”, “I wonder if there is anything of value here”, “I wonder if…”etc. In other words, as a Learner, be curious!

Principle Paradox

This may strike you as strange, but here’s the paradox: When you take authentic responsibility for a relationship, more often than not, the other person quickly chooses to take responsibility as well. Consequently, the 100/0 relationship quickly transforms into something approaching 100/100. When that occurs, true breakthroughs happen for the individuals involved, their teams, their organizations and their families.

Hope you like it as much as I do

Much Love,

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