Sunday, December 30, 2012


I'm one of those people who doesn't hate the holidays but I have a very hard time "getting into" them and when they are over, no matter how hard I try or how much I spend, I get a little depressed thinking they didn't get enough and they're disappointed, etc.

Now, I know first of all this isn't true and second that it really doesn't matter because that's not what the holidays are about anyway...but still...those thoughts come to me.

So today, I'm a little sad and missing my boys and...just...blah...

I need to change that line of thinking.  It's so hard though...

I need to focus on the great times we had, the smiles on everyone's faces, the love surrounding us all. 

I can focus on the beautiful necklace J got me for Christmas (the first time he's ever bought me jewelry...).  It's gorgeous with white gold and blue diamonds.

I can focus on the fact that my boys got everything they asked for and genuinely enjoyed the gifts.

I can focus on the DELICIOUS meals we shared.

I can focus...mostly...on all the love that filled this house.

I will change this.  I will learn to love the holidays for what they should be loved for and not for whether or not people got enough stuff or the house is decorated nicely enough.

I can and I will.

What about you?  Does anyone else get a sort of holiday depression...or is that just me?

Much Love,

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