Saturday, July 30, 2011

So Blessed....

I know I've put off blogging and haven't been keeping in touch much lately, but I did want to stop by and let you all know things are really, really good right now.

I am so blessed.

This summer has been relaxing and fun. The boys are having fun...J and I are enjoying them and each other so very much.

We've been hanging out together in the pool...going to the lake...downtown Houston...having friends over...

It's been wonderful!

I'm adjusting to my new job at work...and quite frankly, I'm kicking butt! My boss has been complimenting me and thanking me daily...other managers are calling just to say they are so happy I'm in this position...even Senior level management has called and said so many good things.

I think I might have found my fit at this company. I'm challenged and happy and busy...all the things I need.

J and I are so happy. We're spending lots of quality time together and we're loving each other more and more each day. It's beautiful!

So for now, I'm not blogging so much..but I'm smiling and I do think of you a lot. I really, really hope you are having a wonderful summer.

For those of you who are struggling, I pray things get better. I KNOW they will, just keep feeling confident and happy regardless of the situation and make the most of each day. Take care of YOU...take responsibility for your own happiness...let your smile light up every room you are in (even if that room is the grocery to your boundaries...and believe...believe that the perfect partner for you, the perfect life for you, the happiness you deserve is right around the corner....and trust is.

For those of you who are as blessed as I am right now, enjoy every moment of it...don't take it for it with every ounce of your being. Tell you love how you feel...tell your love what you want...tell your love how incredibly grateful you are. Cherish what you have and love what will grow out of it...and trust will grow.

How are things with you? Are you feeling blessed? Are you hurting? I'm just a comment or an email away.

Much Love,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crazy Summer So Far!

I've been a bad blogger but I wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone!

Summer has been crazy with lots of family, friends and fun!

My job changed too...which is keeping me very, very busy...but in a good way.

Tonight J and I book flights to Canada for a long weekend in September...sooo excited. We got great rates on the flights and we booked a suite in a luxury hotel. SWEET! I haven't been to Canada since I was a little girl, so I'm very excited!

I miss blogging...I miss all of you...

Hopefully I'll be back soon with a little advice, some words of wisdom or some general rambling....

Take care everyone...hope your summer is as happy as mine is.

Much Love,

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