Thursday, February 16, 2012

Focusing on the Inside

As humans, we spend so much time looking at the outside and I wonder, how much time do we really spend on the inside?  Inside of ourselves...finding ourselves...knowing ourselves.

I say a lot that I know who I am, but DO I really?

As any 15, 20, 25, 30 year old and they'll all tell you the same thing.  "I know exactly who I am."

But do they?

I wonder if we even can.  I mean, I know my core self.  I know what I stand for and what I believe in.  I know what I love and what irritates me and what I won't stand for.

But as I grow and change and mature, will that all grow and change and mature with me?  I think it will.  I think if I always stay a work in progress, I will never really know me.

And I honestly hope to always stay a work in progress.

I've been making the most of my meditation room and I'm certainly growing in the aspect of introspection and opening my mind and heart.  I'm really loving how it makes me feel (even though I do get frustrated because unfortunately I have a goal with all of this and the Aries in me wants instant gratification).

Just sitting...clearing my mind...letting my thoughts go...none of that is easy for me, but it feels so good I think it's what I needed.  I'm becomming fascinated with the whole thing.

I'm even considering getting certified as a meditation instructor.  I don't know that I would ever really teach it, but I do think I would study harder and work consistently and really put my all into it if I were going for a certification.  Also, the thought of having more than just the books I choose on Amazon to guide me would be nice...and proably helpful!

I don't know...something I'm considering.

What do you think? Is it worth the certification if I"m not going to use it to make a living?  Is it worth trying to make a living doing it if it is something I love?

Am I analyzing too much?

I think I need to meditate on this!

Much Love,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Meditation Room!!!

So...J and I have been working really hard on really turning our house into a home.  We had every room painted and we've been busy decorating and designing and...buying...buying...buying.  And best of all, we've been throwing out things we no longer need or use...LOTS of things.

The space feels so open and beautiful right now.  Incredibly peaceful.

In the meantime, I've been studying Zen meditation and specifically zazen meditation.  When I study something, I also talk about it so J has sort of gotten into it with me.

We've been counting our breaths together and meditating together and discovering zazen together and I LOVE it.

In the process of getting rid of all our junk, we completely changed what used to be the lounge (and what was the dining room when the previous owners had the house) and we turned it into a meditation room!

Soon it will also have workout equipment but since we don't want to destroy the beauty of it with a giant eliptical machine or treadmill, today we're going out to buy two Asian screen room dividers.  This way, the equipment can hide behind those when they're not being used.

In addition, J is going to mount a wi-fi television on one wall for playing music and videos with nature sounds or smooth jazz or any kind of soft peaceful tones to it.  We opted for a television instead of a music system because when the kids are all here, they do like being able to watch in other rooms so we thought it would be good to have one more.  As for us...we'll never watch it.  LOL

So...want to see some pictures?  This is absolutely my favorite room (outside of the bedroom, of course) in the house.  I simply LOVE it!

So..what do you think?  I'm open to suggestions and designing tips!

Much Love,

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