Sunday, January 27, 2013

Manifesting Dreams

I am manifesting my dreams right now.  Everything is really starting to come together.  Nothing is certain at this point but things feel like they are moving forward and everything seems to be a very real possibility.

I'm getting really, really excited about my future and my dreams coming true.  I am moving forward to make it all happen.  I am expecting everything very soon.

J is with me through this whole thing and I love him so much for that!  I couldn't do this without him and wouldn't even want to.

As things move forward, I will share more of my dream with you my lovely readers.  Right now, it is too soon and I'm not quite ready to write about it but I will soon and I will to you.  And I thank you all so much for being here.

Please remember to think positive thoughts and to believe that anything is possible.  Sometimes our dreams seem very out of reach and impossible but I promise you they are not.

Sometimes the time is not right now but I do believe the right things happen in the right time.  Please believe that with me.

I understand wanting to give up or believing we will never fully realize our dreams but please resist the urge.

Stay focused.  Stay calm.  Mediate.  Hold fast to your dreams.  Don't let others bring you down. 

Read, read, read.  There is so much information that will keep us focused on our dreams and on the reality of it all happening. 


Be kind.


Respect the Earth.

Respect yourself.

Find something to believe in.

It can and will all come true.

Much Love,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

You Absolutely SHINE!

I read these words somewhere and committed them to memory:

Some people reflect light.  Some people deflect light.  You somehow absorb it and radiate it out to all who are in your life.

I love that!  I want to be a person who radiates light.  I wish for the entire world to radiate light to everyone around us.

Wouldn't the world be such a beautiful place?

Hope you are all having a joyous new year filled with love and light.

Much Love,

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